Jaakko Väisänen
Jaakko Väisänen works at Genip Oy as Finnish patent-, trademark- and design-attorney.
He is based in our office in Jyväskylä.
Mr. Väisänen is qualified to practice before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), European patent office (EPO), before the national board of patents and registrations (PRH) in Finland and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Mr. Väisänen moved to Genip Oy when the business of the Patent Law Firm Jaakko Väisänen was acquired by Genip Oy in 2017. Mr. Väisänen had started the firm in Germany in 2007 and moved to Finland in 2011.
Mr. Väisänen has the Finnish patent attorney bar registration since 2002. He passed the European Qualifying Examination in 2006 to become European patent attorney. He qualified in 2007 as Patentassessor in Germany and was 2008 to 2017 registered as German patent attorney. Mr. Väisänen is registered as European Trademark and Design attorney since 2008. He is authorized as Finnish patent attorney, trade mark attorney and design attorney.
Mr. Väisänen worked 2002 to 2010 in Siemens Aktiengesellschaft in Munich and in Erlangen. His responsibilities included counseling a Mobile Phones development unit in Aalborg, Denmark, and an Automation & Drives switchgear business unit in Amberg, Germany. As senior patent counsel Mr. Väisänen was working in Corporate Technology, Intellectual Property, Mergers, Acquisitions and Compliance 2009-2010. Before Siemens, Mr. Väisänen worked for telecom operator Sonera Oyj (now part of Telia) and Nokia Networks Oy as a patent engineer.
Mr. Väisänen is a deputy member of the Finnish industrial attorney bar (teollisoikeusasiamieslautakunta).
Mr. Väisänen has a Master of Science (diplomi-insinööri) degree from 1998 at Helsinki University of Technology (HUT). He studied engineering Physics, and has practical work experience from the HUT laboratory of applied physics on semiconductor defect studies by positron annihilation as well as laboratory of applied thermodynamics on computational fluid dynamics.
Working languages: Finnish, German, English